
Archive for the ‘Psychology’ Category

Organic blueberries, just $1.99 a pint. A full flat for $16.99. For just one day. Imagine the number of people – a whole city’s worth – eating blueberries on the same day. I could walk in to just about any household, up and down the street, and there I’d find someone in the kitchen with […]

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Evil is easy to spot. Especially when it’s in a cereal box aimed for little kids. I believe in the evil of Apple Jacks, Cap’n Crunch and Froot Loops. If it has “Frosted” in the name, my hand backs away from it, as it would if someone offered me just a taste of crack cocaine. […]

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Pop quiz: Acts of self-control reduce subsequent acts of . . . (a) impulsivity and over-indulgence (b) poor decision-making (c) saying or doing things we’ll later regret (d) sticking with a new activity that began as a New Year’s resolution (e) all of the above. Answer: Most people would choose (e) – we have been […]

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This, according to a 13-year-old girl giving a speech to an entire congregation, is one of the most frequent things her Mother has asked her over the years. “Did you feed the dog?” and then, not much later, the same question. The next day, “Did you feed the dog?” And on and on it went. […]

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