
Archive for the ‘Psychology’ Category

“Do you know what your love language is?” the pediatric podiatrist asked my son.   While the doctor tended to the tenacious wart at the bottom of my son’s foot, he patiently explained the basic tenets of Love Language theory. That there is one type of love that each person seems to want the most, […]

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The space was reserved for the School Board Superintendent. I am not, in case you’re wondering, the School Board Superintendent. I parked there.

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“Purple pants!” I cooed to my husband. He looked over, his eyes recognized the color purple, and he smiled. “Purple pants,” he replied responsively, much like the congregation had been doing since the beginning of the service.  

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There are those who love Valentine’s Day. There are those who hate it. It is deemed artificial, a contrivance, a plot by a greedy consumerist society to force people to purchase overpriced flowers, chocolate, prix fixe dinners, and, of course, the just-right Valentine’s Day card. Opt out, and you run the risk that your partner […]

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I had an hour to kill, so I stopped in to grab an appetizer. It was a quiet neighborhood restaurant, dimly but elegantly lit, with particularly nice tiny blue sparkling lights on the ceiling. I’d not been in before, but it offered tapas and Italian food; it was bound to be a fine way to […]

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