
Archive for the ‘Emotions/Inner World’ Category

Colors emerge at night, programmed. No trace of the human hand, no flick of a wrist.

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Three fingers on my right wrist, you listen to the rhythm of my blood river, its constant flow no one else hears. If you placed your fingertips to my forehead, would you feel my shame? Would your palm over my heart read my longing? Could your hand on my left hip, fingers pressing deeply into […]

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I blink my eyes shut, breathe in a rushed wish, raise my eyelids and blow out the candle. I am embarrassed, wonder if I’ve chosen a good-enough wish, what others will think, fake having made a wish when my mind draws a blank.

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The east section of the cemetery has been fenced off.  The grass is unnaturally green, sodden. Headstones are strung like beads from tree roots that have surfaced. A note nailed to a venerable tree warns visitors to avoid this area, or, at the least, use extreme caution. It explains: sectional liners have aged poorly, there […]

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Grandmother’s feuille-morte­ quilt brown, crimson, tan, amber, purple beckons me barefoot but if I dared my feet would sink in cold slippery leaves soggy black dirt and gnarled twigs.

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