
Archive for the ‘Emotions/Inner World’ Category


She faulted him for his constancy. A lunchbox of a man thoughts and deeds, past and present, separated in small rectangular spaces

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Pandemic times

We will never recover the time Inside as spring bloomed, fall blazed Roots have grown white, untended Out of arm’s reach, winter even colder.

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A fait accompli

The fatted calf awaits its unbeknownst sacrifice not the only to suffer the forgiven’s return. The foal heat signals false readiness, coupling too soon for my body to sustain. The feared self manifests the dreaded future here my transformation inescapable. The fluted glass prolongs effervescence, bubbles float up, tickle your nose before I sour and […]

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He spoke of watching the hummingbird bring soft fuzz and leaves high in the sequoia in the front yard. He watched it turn around and form it with its vibrating tail feathers and tiny humming bottom, circling like a dog before settling in, readying it for its mate. He told of the days that came […]

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Why not?

Why not believe that the mouse fell in love with him? That despite the pull of this ardor, he exiled her for making too much noise, gnawing on the bookcases.

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