
Archive for the ‘Love’ Category

Today’s tears came unexpectedly – as expected – while Nanci Griffith sang about love tried and failed, tried again. “Once stilled by love he was bound to roll on by.” It gets me every time.  

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I   I wonder about the conversations between Adam and Eve. Adam didn’t exactly come home after a long day and tell Eve all about the petty little aggressions at work. Eve didn’t meet Adam at the garden’s gate with stories of how the kids got on her nerves; she conceived her first child after […]

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I know only two things about my friend’s most attentive, best lover: his name, and the wistful urgency in my friend’s nostalgia, the way her eyes grew wide and sparkled at the chance to say his name out loud, to call up memories of her time with him, more than two decades ago.  

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Death has been playing with my Dad, toying with him like a sated cat who must keep the mouse alive until he’s hungry again.  

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This is Not Poetry

Romance begins with anticipation, ripens with limited time, stolen moments, languid looks broken by shyness, making us turn away before hungrily returning. Poetry, too, requires mere snippets of time and space.  

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