
Archive for the ‘Love’ Category

I asked my friend Deb for a poem idea. “Death?” she replied. “LOL.”   I hadn’t told her it was intended to be a love poem.  

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Even the youngest brother became an old man, his spine concave, ill-fitting gray trousers cinched with a worn brown belt above his hepatitis-distended belly, gray stubble on his poorly-shaved cheeks and neck, his crowded and yellow teeth host to the remains of breakfast.  

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I come to life when color begins to leave the leaves when the stain of amber and gold and burnt sienna seeps into the once verdant green and school-bus yellow ushering in the rich and glorious palette of decay and death.  

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The first time I fell in love after living with a love grown cold, I remembered: we don’t love with our hearts.  

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Between galaxies, there is nothing. Empty space. Unmeasurably vast, deep expanses of a kind of nothing we can’t fathom, can’t name.

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