
Archive for the ‘Love’ Category

Releasing the Claim

We climbed narrow cobblestone spirals the fortress perched where hilltop meets sky overlooking the Guadalete River.

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[after viewing encaustic paintings of Stephanie Hargrave, Shift Gallery, Seattle, 2/10/2018] Black graphite dust skitters across the small beige panel molten wax layers built up in relief.

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My mother dreams of walking the mausoleum’s corridor searching for her name among the eye-level inscription plates petite crypts holding entombed breasts. It’s been more than 30 years since the era of battling early stage breast cancer with radical mastectomy – without reconstruction. Still she dreams of being reunited, made whole.  

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Two years ago today, you died, Dad.   You missed the Alaska cruise, the week in London, two weddings, one at the exquisitely chic Sonoma winery, where you would have made that face you made whenever you succumbed to pressure to taste a great red wine, which never delivered anything close to the two-packet Sweet-n-Low […]

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I look up without seeing the source.   Cold spray moistens cheeks already moistened by tears.   Beauty crashes down with a rumble and roar into pools of sorrow.   My body reverberates as love crashes down, the confluence of creek and river, you and me, forged in the roar of the falls.

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