
Archive for the ‘Love’ Category

La danza del colibrí y la mariposa El colibrí y la mariposa se rodean el uno al otro en las buganvillas en sus flores ornamentales, magentas bailando en el aire borrachos con el néctar de los pequeños estigmas amarillos escondiéndose de mi vista al momento que los veo.

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Spring out of Reach

Spring is blooming, it’s the season to fall in love scented, blossoming canopies jacaranda flowers pale indigo cherry blossoms pink and white blushing wisteria orange and lemon perfume the air even cactus bloom in the desert though from the window we see only needles or trees cordoned off with yellow tape or a corridor bereft […]

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[Many thanks/muchas gracias to my favorite princess, Kivieta Gutiérrez Suardíaz, for working with me to translate this poem into Spanish. Beware the enchantment legends -of a princess who lives in the bluffs awaiting the suitor who can withstand all temptation other than she waiting still no lover able to resist

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Flight 6251

Terminal 4 at Madrid-Barajas buzzes and hums a steady drone of luggage wheels rapid feet, weary travelers, confused tourists frustrated whines of sequestered children and our little awkward pre-board tableau.

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Winter’s Question

It is cold, you say. December nights’ chill in the lowland plains of the Bajio should not surprise but this year you cannot get warm.

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