
Archive for the ‘Longing’ Category

“Please come to Boston” in my head, lyric of longing, lives divided, yearning to leave meets the gravitational pull of home,

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Fog obscures, thick drab shawl over the shoulders of the pines, blurs the silhouettes, redacts the hills

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I am on the balcony before it begins. Achromatic darkness, the sky tangible, reaching back to my outstretched fingers, pressing on my face. A steady hum of cars, the clack and clangs of the train yard trill, chirrup, cheep and chur.

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I let down the hem of the wide-legged jeans, ripping the narrow seam thread by thread. Unfolded, the white crease revealed their age. Heat and steam made it more pronounced. I ironed it permanent instead of out, blue marker the last indelible mistake.

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Three fingers on my right wrist, you listen to the rhythm of my blood river, its constant flow no one else hears. If you placed your fingertips to my forehead, would you feel my shame? Would your palm over my heart read my longing? Could your hand on my left hip, fingers pressing deeply into […]

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