
Archive for the ‘Healing’ Category

Shoulders hunched chest, lungs, throat tight, constricted sleep forfeited in razor edge vigilance skin and hair and dreams scorched from uncontained wildfires bitten and buried beneath whiteout of cold storms.  

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With deft hands, tiny elves packed your memories away.  

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A hummingbird of a girl – iridescent and flittering fueled by youth and hope and that which buzzes alive in those lucky enough to fly dive hover dart in search of the 1000 flowers’ nectar to be lapped up in a day.

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First the crocuses, bursting blue and purple, then the yellow of daffodils, now the blaze of tulips pushing forward to the front of the line, boisterous school children lined up for recess, struggling to wait their turn, antsy, unruly, yet held to the rules, holding, each in its turn, colors and shapes harmonizing, each stem […]

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Today’s tears came unexpectedly – as expected – while Nanci Griffith sang about love tried and failed, tried again. “Once stilled by love he was bound to roll on by.” It gets me every time.  

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