
Archive for the ‘Fear’ Category

My son attended a model-building workshop for kids 8-12 years old. First they had kids brainstorm about what kinds of things are needed in a mixed-use urban site; then they had the kids ask the “community members” (parents willing to spend 3 precious weekend hours introducing their children to collective creativity and architectural planning processes) […]

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11 year old son: “What are you going to write about today?” Older than she likes to be mother: “I don’t know. What should I write about?” Son: “Oooh, cheesy gophers!”   This is what I get for asking an 11 year old for this week’s writing spark.

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I went summer adventuring in the Lewis and Clark Caverns outside Three Forks, Montana. Went into the caves, down and down and down, through magnificent stalagmite and stalactite formations, past the colony of fluttering brown bats, as we clamored down, squatting at times, duck-walking, sliding down the slippery bits, careful not to hit our heads, […]

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Not a particularly frightening or dramatic statement, but allow me to explain how it became so.

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I was thinking about fear the other day. Not my own fears (at least not initially!), but those of another. She wants to know what she might do with her life if she weren’t so governed by fear. What would it look like? What would she do? Who would be in her life? As I […]

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