
Archive for the ‘Dreams’ Category

Corner to Corner

He stood still and stoic the only movement a steady tap-tap-tap of the cane’s white marshmallow ball making constant contact with the sidewalk curb.  

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I’ve traced the journey countless times hovering in the liminal where dream borders obsession. I stare at the map caress the tiny-print names of towns with bleached white facades I murmur their names out loud los pueblos blancos mangle the pronunciations. Your sun-baked skin will look even darker against alabaster walls so, too, your dark […]

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I   I wonder about the conversations between Adam and Eve. Adam didn’t exactly come home after a long day and tell Eve all about the petty little aggressions at work. Eve didn’t meet Adam at the garden’s gate with stories of how the kids got on her nerves; she conceived her first child after […]

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It is not enough to sweep up broken glass.   Tiny shards, no matter how carefully I search for them, elude my broom. A second sweep, with a moist towel or sponge, that’s the step many people omit.  

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The sixth grade Language Arts curriculum at my son’s school requires students to write a memoir. At age 11, there are only so many significant, story-worthy events these kids have experienced.

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