
Archive for the ‘Dreams’ Category

Rousted from buxom dreams, hunched like a tramp, she crept along the thin knife’s edge, then curled, petal-soft, averting pursuit.

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I blink my eyes shut, breathe in a rushed wish, raise my eyelids and blow out the candle. I am embarrassed, wonder if I’ve chosen a good-enough wish, what others will think, fake having made a wish when my mind draws a blank.

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I am weary of those who trod and plod shuffle or flip-flop slap concrete squares and black top oval tracks white arrows conducting wheels to one side feet to another.

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I dreamt of the dreamer-son much-loved long-awaited wrapped in a chromatic cloak of words, envisioning spirits ascending and descending the ephemeral ladder, connecting earthly striving and eternal longings.

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My mother dreams of walking the mausoleum’s corridor searching for her name among the eye-level inscription plates petite crypts holding entombed breasts. It’s been more than 30 years since the era of battling early stage breast cancer with radical mastectomy – without reconstruction. Still she dreams of being reunited, made whole.  

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