
Archive for the ‘Death/Loss/Grief’ Category

Defying medical theories and scientific predictions, my father made it to his 80th birthday. His body reached a perfect trifecta of failure – heart, kidneys and lungs hung on by a delicate balance of medications and dialysis. One of his legs was numb for years, his spine was curved, one eye perpetually drooped from the […]

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Death has been playing with my Dad, toying with him like a sated cat who must keep the mouse alive until he’s hungry again.  

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I forget that the reason to go somewhere is not because I know what the event will be like, not because I know in advance the kind of conversation I’ll have with friends. The reason to drag my sometimes depleted self out into the world is because that’s the only place to find angels with […]

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Hang out with poets, and you never know what might happen.  

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Twenty two years after his death, I sit on the weather-stripped bench. At my feet a small plaque commemorates a man I never met, whose family and friends chose to mark his life. To mark his death, really, as that’s the only year engraved. Chose for strangers who never knew he existed to know that […]

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