
Archive for the ‘Death/Loss/Grief’ Category

I   In the black of the morning brake lights and street lights strung together like a garland blurred by the arcs of rainwater dragged back and forth across the windshield.

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Coffee Shop

In the coffee shop where we once nestled I sit by the window cold air seeping through. Hard gray rain coming down in diagonals bouncing off the gray sidewalk repelling off the windshields and hoods of gray cars parked outside the café. The pounding kind of rain that even we poets, rain-lovers and darkness-dwellers that […]

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Shoulders hunched chest, lungs, throat tight, constricted sleep forfeited in razor edge vigilance skin and hair and dreams scorched from uncontained wildfires bitten and buried beneath whiteout of cold storms.  

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I asked my friend Deb for a poem idea. “Death?” she replied. “LOL.”   I hadn’t told her it was intended to be a love poem.  

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With deft hands, tiny elves packed your memories away.  

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