
Archive for the ‘Death/Loss/Grief’ Category

It is always a sin to reach too high.  

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The first time you died I wanted to fill your grave with artifacts from our union too precious to live above ground.

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You’ll say I’m anthropomorphizing reading too much into things projecting making something out of nothing making it about me.  

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Two years ago today, you died, Dad.   You missed the Alaska cruise, the week in London, two weddings, one at the exquisitely chic Sonoma winery, where you would have made that face you made whenever you succumbed to pressure to taste a great red wine, which never delivered anything close to the two-packet Sweet-n-Low […]

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Slowly, slowly I wash our last dishes allow the too-warm water to redden my hands to just the right amount of pain so I will remember that this is what it took to release the hardened remnants from the places I used to feed on you.

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