
Archive for the ‘Death/Loss/Grief’ Category

Para mi papa, en su cumpleaños

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‘Tis a fearful thing to love what death can touch.  – Yehuda HaLevi There should be no end to tears, you said, offering the whole box of tissue to the new widow who wanted an end to hers.

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On January 13, 2018, an employee of the Hawaiian Emergency Management Agency issued a ballistic missile alert. Thirty eight minutes later, a second message was sent, describing it as a “false alarm.”   Here’s a modern day math problem: After launch, a missile travels 4600 miles. At an average speed of 306.67 miles per hour, […]

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-Jan 6, 2018   Today is the 19th of Tevet the moon wanes gibbous the indolent sun rouses a mere 8 hours and 37 minutes. It is the dead of winter which could be a metaphor except it is winter and you are still dead, Dad, no bud or blossom gathering nourishment to bloom forth […]

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We were an unlikely quartet alongside the Snoqualmie River’s South Fork the tall and lumbering Taiwanese student towering over the thin and lanky American teen the energetic dog pulling the 50-something suitor up the trail and me the other 50-something tracking literary allusions stopping for expansive breaths murmuring metta blessings closing my eyes to receive […]

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