
Archive for the ‘Anger’ Category

We hand things down, we humans. Genes, mannerisms, susceptibility to illness and disease, perhaps a family heirloom, perhaps a bit of an estate, perhaps the clutter of accumulated objects. Lessons. Heritage can be visible or hidden; gifts intentional or not; narratives oft-told or silent. It doesn’t matter what we believe we do; we hand just […]

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Every few years, I determine to be a better person. My ideas are no more outrageous nor ordinary than any New Year’s resolution: Read the classics. Take smaller portions. Clean out the clutter. Read poetry. Keep up with the news. Call my parents more than once a week. Give more to charity. Floss more often. […]

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I knew a guy who was surprised that people continually got mad at him, got up and moved further away if he sat next to them in a movie theater, looked past him if he were next in line, seemed forever to misunderstand and provoke him. In response, he seemed perpetually angry.  

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I spoke to an old friend the other day, and lightly let slip a rather critical assessment of a long-ago ex. My words were clever yet cutting – I lamented how it was unlikely he was ever going to reconstitute into a reasonable facsimile of a man.  

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In the week between Christmas and New Year’s, the week in which the only retail purchases I make are those you can make in the small local grocery store, I ran out of stamps. I held off, though; principles are principles. By January second, I had bills that had to go out. I also had […]

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