
Archive for the ‘Emotions/Inner World’ Category

So surprised are we at every change in the “world we know,” we fall for it every time:

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What transpired or what we wanted to happen? Dream or lie?

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“Please come to Boston” in my head, lyric of longing, lives divided, yearning to leave meets the gravitational pull of home,

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From the hollow where there should be mother/father/lover/song/child/pet/friend/book/nature all the names for God I unexpectedly wretched.

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-in memoriam for the more than 1300 Israelis murdered by Hamas militants this week and –in honor of the courage of the remaining Hamas hostages Captors cover my eyes, disorient dismember one by one, leave open my ears to vibrations of panic and despair. I percuss the beat of the wish for death, frantic shallow […]

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