
Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

The trio at the table next to me at the pub were of indeterminate but comparable youth. At least they seemed so to me. Until one woman recounted a litany of physical complaints and ailments that the doctor kept telling her were stress-related. She just needed to relax. Go home for Thanksgiving, she was told. […]

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My literary/relational mind is poorly suited for certain types of science. When I first heard of string theory, I personalized – and simplified – it; perhaps this is what non-physicists do. I like the idea that people and objects are more than random particles, and that instead, something exists in the in-between, connecting bits and […]

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“Maybe you ought to keep going, find something else to write about. Not a lot of people will know what that is,” said my husband, in response to hearing the title I was proposing for this piece. He might have been embarrassed that he didn’t remember this from his statistics class, but I’ve vowed not […]

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The space was reserved for the School Board Superintendent. I am not, in case you’re wondering, the School Board Superintendent. I parked there.

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They have an odd number of pairs of legs, but the total number varies from 20 to 300. Millipedes don’t have 1000 legs, but more likely between 36 and 400 legs. Replacing what I previously thought to be true with what is, apparently, actually true, I gather that certain millipedes will have fewer legs than […]

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