
Archive for the ‘Quédate-en-Casa’ Category

The young couple just a few weeks into their love sheltered together the aged couple side by side so long they rarely speak out loud remained in, quietly children stayed home from school university students returned to their parents’ people sheltered with their dog, their cat, their bird their recipes, their baking supplies their Facebook […]

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La Pérdida de Las Sonrisas Subí al pico de la montaña por encima de la penumbra hasta que encontré el cielo azul y su promesa de esperanza por fin me quito la máscara y respiro hondo.

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Al amanecer, las luces de las calles brillan espero el sonido de jóvenes soñolientos en camino a la escuela pero las calles permanecen vacías. ¿A dónde fueron los gorros y las chaquetas las mochilas llenas de cuadernos y libros crayones y pegamento de brillantina zapatillas de ballet y una camiseta de fútbol arrugada? Extraño la […]

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For protection, my neighbors use barbed wire coils large dogs, underfed and mistreated, pacing rooftops and fenced perimeters wrought iron spikes atop decorative steel gates and fences a stegosaurus spine of glass shards cresting tall stone walls thick metal doors with extra braces and key-locks unlandscaped hillsides made unpassable with refuse discarded mattresses disassembled wash […]

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