
Archive for the ‘COVID-19’ Category

That night of the thick fog, razor-sharp winds, the sky and ground the same dull, impenetrable gray, my fingers and toes, cheeks and ears unable to discern temperature, pain signals tapping an indecipherable morse code, dots of panic, dashes of resignation. I couldn’t see any way out.

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Pandemic times

We will never recover the time Inside as spring bloomed, fall blazed Roots have grown white, untended Out of arm’s reach, winter even colder.

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Deep-fried pizza

Why not take it just a bit over the edge, add turquoise tulle to the pink leotard and orange tights, tassels to the handlebars, a Dora the Explorer helmet and a bright red face mask, ride to the fair grounds and eat, bite by greasy bite, the deep-fried Twinkie, lick powder-sugared fingers after the doughy […]

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The east section of the cemetery has been fenced off.  The grass is unnaturally green, sodden. Headstones are strung like beads from tree roots that have surfaced. A note nailed to a venerable tree warns visitors to avoid this area, or, at the least, use extreme caution. It explains: sectional liners have aged poorly, there […]

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The young couple just a few weeks into their love sheltered together the aged couple side by side so long they rarely speak out loud remained in, quietly children stayed home from school university students returned to their parents’ people sheltered with their dog, their cat, their bird their recipes, their baking supplies their Facebook […]

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