
Archive for the ‘Cooking/Food & Wine’ Category

– For the Ring family A few sips of digestif balance the richness prepare the body for rest.

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I’d have told you that I spread honey, then sprinkled cumin and the lightest dusting of cinnamon and chili oil on cod filets tonight. To finish, I squeezed fresh limes instead of lemon. The kitchen smelled like your fingers after you made me come describing our scents.

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Every autumn, as the shocking color of orange drenches store shelves and windows, bags of candy nestle side by side with back-to-school supplies, I switch gears to fall menus. I pull out my recipes for chili and stews and whatever else will simmer all day in the slow cooker that has been empty since last […]

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I don’t mean to dis Jesus, as I get that He did some mighty amazing things while still a man, but as far as I know, it was not His idea to dust chocolate truffles with sea salt. He may have thought about it, having been baptized in the River Jordan, oh-so-close to the Dead […]

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The quarter sheet of paper, torn edges and now slightly gray, hosts a recipe written in the small and deliberate cursive of my first adult self. Five ingredients, simple directions. The paper doesn’t identify the source of the recipe. Nor does it disclose that I’ve made the cookies maybe three or four times total, since […]

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