
Archive for the ‘Connection’ Category

Within a few words, I placed the accent, the telltale rhythm and cadence of a homeland no longer my home.  

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I imagine fingers tasting nose caressing embrace inhaling pulse undressing gaze blanketing breath bathing chest laughing eyes licking heart devouring tongue listening sigh kissing smell encompassing teeth tickling hair grasping lips tumbling   Lost/found, filled/emptied, taken/released, awoken/lulled dissolving/re-forming in the folds of time and space.   The galaxy, once hidden, revealed each time you blink.

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Here’s the best advice I’ve ever heard on knowing if someone’s the right guy to marry: marry the man who respects and values his mother. Not just loves her, as few mortals can admit to not loving their Mums, even the Mums who messed them up. Run, don’t walk, away from those who love their […]

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We love stories about the kindness of strangers. As if random acts of kindness in which people do or say the right thing to someone they don’t know is so outrageously difficult.   It requires almost nothing to allow the unknown person behind me with an armful of groceries to check out before me. It is a […]

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“Your fly is open,” the tall, beautiful, regal-necked lesbian poet whispered in my ear as she ascended the stage. I’d just drawn her name from the cup. The podium – and my crotch, apparently – had been precisely in her front-row-center line of sight.   Performance interruptus.  

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