
Archive for the ‘Shops’ Category

Storefronts around my office are closing. The Italian restaurant that hosted local opera singers has been closed for a couple of years, and I still lament that we can no longer suggest it to friends as the perfect spot to clinch a young romance. The funky furniture shop nearby closed not long after. A fabulous […]

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In the week between Christmas and New Year’s, the week in which the only retail purchases I make are those you can make in the small local grocery store, I ran out of stamps. I held off, though; principles are principles. By January second, I had bills that had to go out. I also had […]

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Every now and then I encounter a situation that, while in it, I’m thinking of how I’m going to write about it. The incident – either what is happening to me, or what I’m seeing, or what I’m hearing or reading or learning – seems so unique, so interesting, so odd, or just so crazy, […]

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Although I don’t like malls, I’m a sucker for a perfect window shopping street. There’s one not too far from me, and I go there as often as possible. It’s got a lovely artisan jewelry and baby clothing store, a pretty good happy hour place, a place to buy (and therefore, sample) expensive imported lotions […]

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There is boutique shop dog near my work. This dog is aloof to all who pass by – doesn’t wag it’s tail, doesn’t move to greet anyone, yet I’ve seen it come to life with it’s owner. And who wouldn’t come to life in the presence of this young, attractive, wispish, fashionably dressed and stylish […]

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