
Archive for the ‘School’ Category

Pajama Day

Yesterday was Pajama Day at my son’s school. It was the midpoint of Spirit Week. This comes at the exact time when some families are hoping for a final academic push to solidify some of the basics that might have slipped under the radar in the year. But who can learn in the midst of […]

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My son’s math curriculum is called Everyday Math – the idea is to use math concepts in everyday situations we encounter, rather than keep math separate, a subject during the school day that has no tie to real life. Thus, he can figure out fractions when we need only 2 of a dozen eggs, or […]

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“I hope it snows tonight.” “I hope it snows enough to cancel school tomorrow.” “Please, please, pretty please, I hope it snows tonight.”   We awoke this morning, and not even a “Good morning” came out of his lips before he inquired, “Did it snow?”

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I was back in my son’s classroom, in an after-school effort to help the kids build Tikis as part of their study of Easter Island. His school has an amazing program where the whole school studies one continent a year, each classroom focusing on one country. This culminates in giant classroom projects, a school-wide evening […]

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Kids in Motion

I helped my son’s teacher at school today, during a math test, and it was the loveliest hour I’ve had in weeks. Oh, the variations on a theme, like Pachelbel’s Canon, only in place of 3 violins and continuo basso, there were 23 bodies in motion, with accompanying paper, pencils, and plastic rulers. And contrary […]

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