
Archive for the ‘School’ Category

I’ve been watching clouds lately. Don’t know why. It’s not like interesting cloud patterns and textures and formations are anything new. But give me something new, like a new phone with a new camera, and off I head into any situation, seeking something worth clicking. Here’s one I took, just strolling along next to the […]

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There are many parental refrains I have perfected, and more that I’m trying to eliminate from my daily routine. My son is about to become a middle schooler, and I have to step back, way back, from the “Did you brush your teeth?” and “Don’t forget your raincoat” kind of parenting. Decisions need to fall […]

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Today was the annual Young Authors event at my son’s school. Students have been working for weeks to write and illustrate something worthy to be shared across all grades, kindergarten through fifth. Works are then bound, with title pages and back pages, and many include a Dedication and an About the Author blurb on the […]

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Snow Days

Today is our third snow day in a row. My son has been in school for 2 hours this week; that included P.E. (rollerblading) and lunch. The remaining time was spent in the classroom, with the substitute teacher phoning parents to tell them of the early dismissal. Kids shared their cell phones (11 out of […]

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Writing Sparks

Today I’m spending 3+ hours in the balcony of a high school gym, while my son is taking a middle school entrance exam. When I thought about where to send him for middle school, I didn’t realize exactly what process I was setting in motion. But here I am, in a gym not quite like […]

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