
Archive for the ‘School’ Category

My son attended a model-building workshop for kids 8-12 years old. First they had kids brainstorm about what kinds of things are needed in a mixed-use urban site; then they had the kids ask the “community members” (parents willing to spend 3 precious weekend hours introducing their children to collective creativity and architectural planning processes) […]

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11 year old son: “What are you going to write about today?” Older than she likes to be mother: “I don’t know. What should I write about?” Son: “Oooh, cheesy gophers!”   This is what I get for asking an 11 year old for this week’s writing spark.

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The sixth grade Language Arts curriculum at my son’s school requires students to write a memoir. At age 11, there are only so many significant, story-worthy events these kids have experienced.

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I get that I’m not a tall woman, but I don’t think of myself as short. “My legs reach all the way to the ground,” I can be heard saying. I have accepted my height, that many women are taller than me, and that I seem to have sufficient height to do anything I need […]

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Second Chances

I’ve made fewer mistakes than I wish I had. Took fewer chances than others. Played it safe. Feared unknown outcomes, assumed more negative possibilities than a single event could ever unleash. Stood at the sidelines while friends and acquaintances ran headlong into adventures that I deemed too scary. I’m a planner. I like to know […]

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