
Archive for the ‘School’ Category

Al amanecer, las luces de las calles brillan espero el sonido de jóvenes soñolientos en camino a la escuela pero las calles permanecen vacías. ¿A dónde fueron los gorros y las chaquetas las mochilas llenas de cuadernos y libros crayones y pegamento de brillantina zapatillas de ballet y una camiseta de fútbol arrugada? Extraño la […]

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A few months ago, my son attended a two-part lecture for dads and sons about puberty. A funny yet informative lecture allowing giggles and laughter to smooth over plain old-fashioned information that normalizes puberty and soaks into the boys’ psyches. By the mere fact of attending, each young boy has been surreptitiously exposed to an […]

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The space was reserved for the School Board Superintendent. I am not, in case you’re wondering, the School Board Superintendent. I parked there.

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Alison Krauss’ song, The Lucky One, describes what in some circles we’d call a commitment-phobic guy. He’s as free as the wind to come and go, doesn’t excel at anything except drifting along, yet is so charming that even though he loves and leaves, he’s “loved by many and hated by none.” She chides that […]

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I’m not a camper. When I seek out adventures, travel, access to the great outdoors, I want it bookended in a climate-controlled, screened-window room, in which I can lay my weary bones on a bed with a mattress and clean sheets, extra pillows. I want the capacity to flush. I want warm tasty food and […]

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