
Archive for the ‘Cars’ Category

Up until last week, my husband drove a luxury sedan. He bought the 2001 car several years ago. It was sleek and powerful, had a smooth, comfortable ride, and looked elegant. Right after a car wash, that thing could shine. It was timeless in its masculine elegance.  

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The automobile drivers in my community are polite, conscientious folk who frequently drive their Subarus and Priuses below the speed limit, let multiple other cars cut in front of them at a highway turn off, and slow rather than accelerate when the traffic light is yellow, to make sure all the cars will be out […]

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Not a particularly frightening or dramatic statement, but allow me to explain how it became so.

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A Classic Car

Last night, my son was driven home from an event by another parent, who asked if it was OK if he drove his 1974, collectible, cherry red convertible Cadillac with a perfect condition red interior. “Not many more nights we can use it this year,” he said. “And there’s a blanket in the back.”   […]

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