
Archive for the ‘Beauty’ Category

Not too long ago – in the time of my youth, let’s say – zombies, vampires and werewolves only rarely populated popular fiction. Each offered a slightly different variant for errant unconscious sexual and aggressive fantasies. Flash forward a few mere decades and the undead are a cultural phenomenon.

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My dentist has a new-fangled X-ray machine that takes panoramic pictures of your mouth. For the pleasure of this new procedure, you stand up, place your chin down on a bar, bite down on a plastic something, hold your head still (with the help of some kind of light head brace) and stand there wondering […]

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Disclaimer 1: It wasn’t really Christie Brinkley, with or without Billy Joel. The real Christie Brinkley is nearing 60, and wouldn’t have been in my local opera house in row 8 with a 12-year old young girl as a companion. She’d be in a New York or Los Angeles opera house, on opening night, with […]

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A while back, I attended a house concert that proved to be an unexpected delight. The evening was a perfect combination of youth, beauty, music, a glass of unexceptional red wine (as far as I can tell, large pot-luck events seem to yield an abundance of unexceptional wines, and the one I contributed was no […]

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Although I don’t like malls, I’m a sucker for a perfect window shopping street. There’s one not too far from me, and I go there as often as possible. It’s got a lovely artisan jewelry and baby clothing store, a pretty good happy hour place, a place to buy (and therefore, sample) expensive imported lotions […]

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