
Archive for the ‘Beauty’ Category

I look up without seeing the source.   Cold spray moistens cheeks already moistened by tears.   Beauty crashes down with a rumble and roar into pools of sorrow.   My body reverberates as love crashes down, the confluence of creek and river, you and me, forged in the roar of the falls.

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Inches apart the right side of your right arm rubbed my left.  

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Celluloid Self

I was 10 when Polaroid instant cameras hit the market, a bit too pricey for my family and friends. But by age 15, they were down to $40, and the pop up box, the photo click, the loud ejection noise, and the square of black viscous ink from which the image would emerge all were […]

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One cannot simply walk out the front door, head outside, venture into the great out of doors. These are acts for which we now require preparation. The first of the day’s SPF 50 must be applied. A large-brim hat must be donned. Water bottles filled. Snacks selected. Protective eye wear put on. Hypoallergenic, natural bug […]

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It’s 7:00 am, and I’m at the market. The bread I want didn’t come in. So I buy the extra meat, the parsley for garnish, two fancy holiday style cheeses (one with cranberries, one called tintern, which I’ve never heard of), overly expensive crackers. And creamer for tomorrow’s coffee.   By 7:20 I’m at the […]

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