
Archive for the ‘Cats’ Category

Le Chat Noir

The black cat crossed the empty street jumped on the hood of my sensible sedan to watch  

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Death has been playing with my Dad, toying with him like a sated cat who must keep the mouse alive until he’s hungry again.  

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I.     Lying in wait.   On the savannah, on the plain, in desert sands and next to humid river beds, the predator lies in wait. Something has given off its scent, awakened its hunger. Fully awake now, the lion follows the scent, alerted to the herd’s presence. He watches, determines which of the […]

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I’m not a camper. When I seek out adventures, travel, access to the great outdoors, I want it bookended in a climate-controlled, screened-window room, in which I can lay my weary bones on a bed with a mattress and clean sheets, extra pillows. I want the capacity to flush. I want warm tasty food and […]

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There is boutique shop dog near my work. This dog is aloof to all who pass by – doesn’t wag it’s tail, doesn’t move to greet anyone, yet I’ve seen it come to life with it’s owner. And who wouldn’t come to life in the presence of this young, attractive, wispish, fashionably dressed and stylish […]

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