
Archive for the ‘Aging’ Category

Some days, “goodness” is defined more simply. A break in the weather.  Errands completed with relative ease. My son has a good day at school and responds by my 4th nagging request to get off the computer. My husband returns from his 12-hour day energized and fatigued, rather than exhausted and depleted. I manage to […]

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As a child, I fantasized that my real parents would search me out. Some days, the only possible explanation for the ever-widening gulf between me and the rest of my family, and the sheer impossibility that I could share any genetic material with the boy I was told is my brother, was that I’d been […]

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Mama Coat

I have not recycled my maternity coat. I no longer wear it with the zip-in front panel that added just the right space to protect my burgeoning belly and, later, my infant son, wrapped tightly in the baby sling I carried him in well into his preschool years. Ah, the things you can do when […]

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I knew a guy who was surprised that people continually got mad at him, got up and moved further away if he sat next to them in a movie theater, looked past him if he were next in line, seemed forever to misunderstand and provoke him. In response, he seemed perpetually angry.  

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I found an old ring a few weeks ago. OK, searched and searched and searched for the lost mate to a favorite pair of earrings that I bought a long time ago when traveling. I didn’t find the mate. Instead I found a hand-crafted artisan silver ring I had forgotten I’d had. Forgotten the way […]

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