
Archive for the ‘Aging’ Category

Gold Dust

Inured to the fine veins of your being, I am crisscrossed by brutish passageways

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I awoke in the endless stretch of 4 am, pre-dawn the longest span of pre-anything. The capacity to measure, surely, exists only when upright, eyes open to see the mark we place next to the beginning, the line we draw when we determine the end.

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La Presa Issue 10, Fall 2020  pp. 72-73 Se vuelve sepia Sobre la mesa con el mantel blanco el plato de porcelana astillado parece intencionalmente envejecido la plata empañada da un guiño a shabby chic

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Like the crone observing new life from her crooked-neck perch bones and sinews exposed as winter’s denuded branches time relaxed immeasurable and infinite the blue heron rests on the leafless limb its s-curved neck raising and turning languidly.

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Bright light behind me only shape remains resting, hovering, suspended clouds blacken against an orange-pink glowing sunset black, too, the white-breasted hummingbird and the pink-striped hibiscus against the golden burst of a fresh-out-of-bed sunrise the curve of a jaw the connect-the-dots peaks and valleys of wind-tousled hair my own light, energy eclipsed features undefined.

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