
Archive for the ‘Adolescents/Teenagers’ Category

I let down the hem of the wide-legged jeans, ripping the narrow seam thread by thread. Unfolded, the white crease revealed their age. Heat and steam made it more pronounced. I ironed it permanent instead of out, blue marker the last indelible mistake.

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Dandelion fluff rains down swept this way and that on the warm breeze.  

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Here’s what driving carpool really means: the floors of your car fill up with food remains, the seams of your seats darken with embedded crumbs, the windows smudge over with the residue of sticky/sweaty foreheads, noses, lips and fingers, the air sours with the lingering odor of left-behind articles of clothing peeled off while wet, half-sucked […]

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My son got invited over to a girl’s house. First time. According to the girl’s Dad, they talked and laughed the whole afternoon. A dazzlingly bright, warm Seattle day, a month before Seattle ever gets bright, sunny warm days, and these two holed up in her bedroom (door open, of course).  

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We hand things down, we humans. Genes, mannerisms, susceptibility to illness and disease, perhaps a family heirloom, perhaps a bit of an estate, perhaps the clutter of accumulated objects. Lessons. Heritage can be visible or hidden; gifts intentional or not; narratives oft-told or silent. It doesn’t matter what we believe we do; we hand just […]

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